Inserted: 12 jun 2024
Year: 2019
Denote by $\Delta$ the Laplacian and by $\Delta_\infty $ the
$\infty$-Laplacian. A fundamental inequality is proved for the algebraic
structure of $\Delta v\Delta_\infty v$: for every $v\in C^\infty$, $$\
2} - {\Delta v \Delta\infty v } -\frac12
\le \frac{n-2}2 . $$ Based on
this, we prove the following results:
1. For any $p$-harmonic functions $u$, $p\in(1,2)\cup(2,\infty)$, we have
{\frac{p-\gamma}2}Du\in W{1,2}{\rm loc},$$ with
$\gamma<\min\{p+\frac{n-1}{n},3+\frac{p-1}{n-1}\}$. As a by-product, when
$p\in(1,2)\cup(2,3+\frac2{n-2})$, we reprove the known $W^{2,q}_{\rm
loc}$-regularity of $p$-harmonic functions for some $q>2$.
2. When $n\ge 2$ and $p\in(1,2)\cup(2,3+\frac2{n-2})$, the viscosity
solutions to parabolic normalized $p $-Laplace equation have the $W_{\rm
loc}^{2,q}$-regularity in the spatial variable and the $W_{\rm
loc}^{1,q}$-regularity in the time variable for some $q>2$. Especially, when
$n=2$ an open question in 17 is completely answered.
3. When $n\ge 1 $ and $p\in(1,2)\cup(2,3)$, the weakviscosity solutions to
parabolic $p $-Laplace equation have the $W_{\rm loc}^{2,2}$-regularity in the
spatial variable and the $W_{\rm loc}^{1,2}$-regularity in the time variable.
The range of $p$ (including $p=2$ from the classical result) here is sharp for
the $W_{\rm loc}^{2,2}$-regularity.